School Guidance Counselor
The goal of the School Guidance Counselor's Office is to assist scholars in gaining self-understanding as a basis for setting goals which are consistent with one's interest, abilities, and personal development. As a school guidance counselor, Mrs. Walker provides services to support our scholars' academic and social/emotional growth and development.
The School Guidance Counselor's Role
Provide individual and group counseling to meet the immediate needs of students
Facilitate student development in the areas of academic, personal/social/emotional, and goal setting
Student Attendance/Dropout Prevention
Student Records
Student Discipline
Collaborate building and district level staff members regarding developmental concerns and needs of our
students, through Educational Planning and parent/teacher conferences.
Assist administrators in restorative discipline practices
Collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents, and community organizations and agencies
Organize and conduct parent conferences
Refer scholars and parents to district resources and community agencies